Friday, May 17, 2013

things come up

At farm things happening.

Larry had arranged dumpster pick up and didn't want anyone in the yard.  He also was using the tractor to pull up trees and had plans to build a ramp to manure.
"Emily", pig, was still sick, though no one mentioned of what.
"Lady", horse, had thrush and was sort of stiff besides being lame.
All I could do was be available to help.
Ann had me clean a hay cart so we'd have another wheel barrel to sort of finish the paddock cleaning.
We did as much as we could.

I felt bad for sick ones, yet it does happen.

I'm not a veterinarian.  Though the thought of one has crossed my mind.
In school I was sort of OK in math.  When I entered high school I was placed in pre-algebra for 2 yrs then Algebra and earth sciences.  No calculus or physics, that would be needed to enter into a medical degree.  I was steered in another direction.
The Art direction was there.
Thoughts of "must be practical", "not become stereotype starving artist". 
Yet the path to being an artist was showing up strong.  Moments in my life were pointing in that direction.  Could I be strong, courageous, persistent enough to follow.

I am.

oh, there was a short time I thought about being an animal technician assistant.  But I became allergic to cats a number of years ago.  So not.

Being an artist does suit me well.  I create works that express my view of the world.  A closer look.  A way to draw viewer in to see what I'm seeing.  I do that.
When I've had an exhibit on display I can't help notice how people seem to go right up to the art work and look closer.

Perhaps part of this highly sensitive person's gift. 
I see things that others may pass over or not notice.  And part of me wants to share it.
I can tell you there have been times it's been received well and others well...not so much. 

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