Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Horses Help

I volunteer on Mondays at a therapeutic riding farm called “Lend-A-Hand” farm.
The farm does Hippo therapy. 

“Hippotherapy, from the Greek word for "horse," is based on the idea that the rhythmic, repetitive movements of the horse work to improve cognitive skills, balance, posture, and strength in the disabled rider. Individuals benefiting from this kind of therapy can have a variety of diagnoses, including cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, stroke, autism, and learning or language disabilities.”

Part of the farm involves volunteers working in its program and on the farm.

I work my schedule around my children’s school.  So, volunteering in the mornings work best for me.

When I went to the volunteer orientation, they mentioned they needed cleaning help on Mondays.  I was good with that. 
Monday mornings are spent doing my volunteering at LAH farm.  

I live in a city.  So going to the farm is refreshing.  It’s beautiful there. 
Pastures and field.  Horses, some dogs, a cat and a sweet “mama” pig. 
I often see robins and others birds.  At least once when I was driving up the driveway I spotted a Red Tailed Hawk.  Cool.

More so, I enjoy being around the horses.  

I’ve loved horses since I was very little.  To be exact it was at my first pony ride.  I loved them from first site.  I thought they were one of the most beautiful creatures I’d seen.  Being up in the saddle on their back and being led around the farm’s dirt lane, I felt like I could see so much more of the world- what was around me- as this pony carried me along.  The pony seemed so gentle too to me.  What a feeling.
I also couldn’t help notice too once in the car, that I was probably one of the few that didn’t get scared up in the saddle above the ground.  I was too enamored with the experience- I loved it.  That was only the beginning. 
Horses books, drawing horses, reading about horses, some breyer horse models.  

And I can tell you, this woman, me, has never out grown it. 

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