Friday, July 18, 2014

Ask for help and You receive

I've been thinking lately about business and how some think being an entrepreneur is about doing it alone.
The truth is it's not done alone at all.  It takes a team effort to make an idea into something real.
So I ask my self, "do I have the support?  Do I Ask for help?
well, not always.  I probably should ask more often when needed.  

It can be amazing where help can come from.

Like the other day at the farm, I was to bring the ponies in from the pasture before I left.  It had been rainy off and on.
I walked out to notice that they weren't out back in the lower pasture.  So I guessed right that they were up on the hill.
I've only been up on the hill maybe a couple of short times to check on them. There's a lot of rocky places and quite a bit of brush-trees, bushes.
I put the lead rope on Moony.  I looked around and realized I was unsure of the best way-path down the hill.  I chose to unhooked Moony, so I could figure out where to go before leading him.
I felt a little lost and spoke to him about it.  "I'm not sure which path or opening in brush to go, ...can you help me?
Moony moved down a small pathway through brush.  Bubbles, gray pony, followed him.  For a moment Moony looked back at me to follow.  I followed at the rear-----all the way down to the barn door.  :)
Such a smart and good sport Moony is.
I clicked lead rope on Bubbles since he can be nervous like and put him in his stall.
Moony decided not to wait for me, and just walked down the aisle into his stall.
I said "Thank you" to Moony.

See you never know where help may come in or in what form it will show up as.
So don't be afraid to Ask.
-I'm telling myself that too.