Saturday, April 24, 2021

Animal Whisperer


I'm presently working for at a location in Johnston, RI.   

I had been in Johnston before, a time ago.  I had volunteered with a therapeutic riding program.  The therapeutic riding program was there for a number of months, but then moved to another barn.  Things had started out Okay but then went awry.   

I would continue for a time volunteering with the therapeutic riding program.  

I enjoyed working with the horses.  This was an opportunity for me to delve into working and being around horses.  It was hard work, yet there were payoffs.  

I got to know the horses and they got to know and trust me.  One of the horses, I would get to ride.  I developed a bond with that horse.  I would work with him: grooming, ground exercises and riding.  I loved our time together.  

I have many wonderful memories of connecting with him.  

Riding in the ring relaxed and easy in the late afternoon.

Grooming him.  He loved the attention and relaxation of just being there in the moment.  I didn't  ask much of him during grooming.  I just wanted him to relax and enjoy our time.  

Working in the ring, I would ask him to do some bending and stretching.  I worked on walking and trotting for conditioning the muscles.  Then a cool down at the end.  

For me being there was a chance to:


Be in the moment, the present

Enjoy and relax

Be calm and courageous 

Recently, I chose to go to the location in Johnston to just see.  

The twin willow trees and stone entrance wall were still there.  Nature seemed to have started to grow over the parking lot.  

I got out of the car.  I looked and noticed no sign any more.  A neighbor noticed me.  I started to walk up the parking lot toward the barn.  A pine tree, tall and green, was still there near where the riding ring would have been.  The neighbor came over to me and asked me if I could use some help.  I mentioned there had been a horse barn property here.  

He said, "Not any more, and for the best."

I had figured as much.  

Like myself, I now felt like I had entered into a new chapter in my life.  

The last year or so: COVID19, lay off, job searching, becoming employed again.

writing, art, bird watching, walks/hikes

One thing I note is my sensitivity that lends to my ability to relate to animals.  Some might claim it as Animal Whispering.  

For me it's always been about relating to beings and things around me.  

From the birds I feed and watch in the back yard.  They see me as I go to fill the feeder and stay nearby.

The stray cat that if I hadn't had an allergy to I would have taken it in.

The dogs I've met here and there in my life.  

Presently: Our neighbor's puggle "Kota and cattle dog Teedo.  A street over "Pepper" dog.  

The Horses I have worked with.  

A new Chapter has arrived,  spurred by my daughters wanting finally to have pets.  

We are now a proud family with a rabbit and breaded dragon lizard.  

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