Monday, September 2, 2013

The Angels are Bowling

Today we had a few thunderstorm come through.
I  heard the low rumble of thunder just as I woke up.  It became a day of off and on lighting and rumbles of thunder.  Of course there was the occasional rain pattering down too. 
We spent the morning at LAH farm.
I got most of my work done without getting wet. Near to finishing the rain started and I had to put my jacket on.
I felt hotter with my jacket on because of the high humidity in the air.  At one point I gave up and put my jacket away.  I let the rain get me wet a little.  It did feel sort of good and cooled me off.

The Farm was having a Family Day.  They had stuff to sell at flea market prices and ponies rides. 
It was nice.  The girls got a pony ride.  Some people came by in the morning. 
Cozmo loved the company and stood at the gate in anticipation for the next pat and treat.
He's such a ham.
At one point he gave me a horse hug.  He placed his head on my shoulder when I was patting him.  So soft and so  sweet.

As the rain started to come down more,  less people showed up.

The rumble of thunder seemed close and often.
I mentioned that my mom always claimed with humor that the thunder means ....
"The Angels are Bowling".
A really loud clap of thunder means they got a strike.
A low rumble means a gutter bowl.

So nice to have such imaginative thoughts.

Later I happened to notice a magnificent thunder cloud in the distance.   

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